Luahan Hati Dan Prinsip Seorang Jurulatih.
On November 1, 2017 by Wak PivotHari ini wak terbaca satu luahan perasaan yang ditulis oleh seorang bekas pemain kebangsaan dan juga ketua jurulatih pasukan KL City yang beraksi di Liga Futsal Kebangsaan. Beliau yang wak maksudkan adalah Jerry Dinesh.
Dibawah wak kongsikan sedikit luahan perasan beliau.
The inability of our local athletes to make good decisions or sacrifice for their continue progress at a high level baffles me. Truly the term “jaguh kampung” is an expression that most of our sportsmen are worthy off due to setting of very ‘low’ goals in life and inability to sacrifice for the bigger cause.
As my coaching journey continues, I remain strong with my principles and decisions. no player is bigger then the team, and great teams make great players. when any one individual in your team defy the rule above then learn to move on as your sails have already differed in directions.
In the great debate of what comes first, money or success, i assure you that many stories will be told that put the latter miles ahead of the former. and for there to be success before the appearance of money, one requires great attitude and character to withstand a variety of challenges.
I teach my players everyday to behave professionally despite the fact that they are only semi-professional and possibly paid peanuts. but being professional does not cost much, it costs your time, effort and sacrifices for a greater cause. when they lose sight of this vision of professionalism then you know its time, time to part, to move in different directions.
As with everything in life, we start from zero. here we are, at zero again and yet i am excited on this long journey ahead with a new bunch of individuals that.my father constantly reminds me that in life you can lose everything, but hold on strong to your principles. LFK2018 we are on our way forward, You’d better believe it!
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